Locked out Greyhound workers to march to Dublin City Hall on Monday
SIPTU members who are locked out of their work at Greyhound Household Ltd will march to Dublin City Hall on Monday, 7th July. The event will begin with a rally at Liberty Hall at 3.30 p.m., followed by the workers and their supporters marching to City Hall for the start of the Dublin City Council meeting at 5.30 p.m. The workers have been locked out at the waste disposal company since 17th June. Management at the company is attempting to force workers to accept wage cuts of up to 35% and have employed strike breakers to carry out waste collections during the dispute. SIPTU Dublin District Council Chairman, Jack McGinley, has called on trade unionists and the general public to show their support for the workers by participating in the march on Monday. “This dispute goes to the very heart of the struggle for workers rights. What these low paid workers are facing is an attempt by management to severely cut their incomes in order to increase profits. The company is using its hold over an essential service in an attempt to wring every last penny out of a dedicated workforce.” He added: “It is essential that trade unionists and the citizens of Dublin show support for these workers in this struggle for dignity and the right to earn a living for their families.” On Wednesday evening, a SIPTU Shop Steward was injured when a van was driven at speed out of the Greyhound Household Ltd. plant in Clondalkin, Dublin. The Shop Steward, Niall Geraghty, was hit by the van which almost struck SIPTU Organiser, Henry O'Shea. Niall was taken to Tallaght Hospital with minor injuries. The van drove off without stopping and Gardai are investigating the incident. On Wednesday, 2nd July, the High Court lifted three interim injunction orders granted to Greyhound Household Ltd on 17th June. The decision meant that management couldn’t interfere with official union pickets or prevent workers from describing its actions as a Lockout. SIPTU Organiser, Henry O’Shea, said: “The pickets at two Greyhound plants in west Dublin will continue until the management sits down to discuss and find an agreed resolution.” Greyhound Household has a contract to collect household waste for Dublin City Council.