SIPTU says no to compulsory redundancies in new Croke Park deal
SIPTU has stated that it will not sign up to a new public service agreement if it involves compulsory redundancies.
SIPTU Vice President, Patricia King, said: “Opposition to compulsory redundancies is a fundamental trade union position in both the public and private sectors.Trade unions exist to represent the best interests of their members; recommending that they are sacked is not in their best interests.”
 SIPTU Vice President Patricia King talks to the media outside Lansdowne House Dublin, on day two of the Croke Park Agreement talks on Tuesday, 15th January.
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SIPTU calls on HSE to end attempts to recruit nurses on reduced pay
SIPTU has called on the HSE to end its attempts to recruit 1,000 nurses and midwives on 80% of the staff nurse salary scale following the refusal of graduates to sign up to the scheme.
SIPTU Organiser, Kevin Figgis, said: “The announcement today (Thursday, 17th January) that the HSE has extended the deadline for this scheme, while also allowing graduates from 2010 and 2011 to apply, indicates that graduate nurses have rejected this scheme.”
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Woman is awarded €3,000 as maternity leave 'top-up'
The Labour Court has recommended that a Galway woman be awarded compensation of €3,000 as a 'top up' payment for maternity leave.
Management at G4S Cash Solutions Ireland LTD had argued that payment of top up maternity payments applied only to clerical staff and not cash-in-transit staff. It said that the worker was employed "substantively in a position of cash-in-transit with only minimal cover as a clerical worker", and therefore the maternity payment was "inappropriate".
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Unions to conduct full examination of Bus Éireann financial accounts
SIPTU representatives will attend a reconvened Labour Court hearing on Friday (1st February), into the dispute at Bus Éireann following a full examination of the company’s financial accounts.
An interim ruling of the Labour Court ordered the opening of the company’s accounts to a union appointed financial assessor following a hearing on the dispute on Wednesday (16th January).
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SIPTU to attend LRC regarding proposed jobs losses at Johnson Brothers
SIPTU representatives will attend the Labour Relations Commission on Friday (18th January) to discuss how to maximise the retention of jobs at Johnson Brothers in Ballymount, Dublin. SIPTU Organiser, Karan O’Loughlin, said: “The announcement by the management of Johnson Brothers on Friday, 4th January, that it planned to implement redundancies came as a shock to workers.
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SIPTU members welcome Labour Court recommendation on Aer Lingus/DAA/SAA pensions dispute
SIPTU members at Aer Lingus, the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) and Shannon Airport Authority (SAA) have welcomed a proposal by the Labour Court for a structured and speedy negotiation process to resolve the crisis in the defined pension scheme at the companies.
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SIPTU agrees to Tara Mines discussions at LRC
SIPTU will begin intensive discussions with management at Tara Mines, Co. Meath, at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) on Friday (18th January).
SIPTU Organiser, John Regan said: “It was agreed following a meeting at the LRC on Wednesday, 9th January, that there would be a process of intensive discussions between the parties. A management decision to place workers at Tara Mines on protective notice on Thursday, 3rd January, was totally unacceptable.
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SIPTU welcomes government decision to criminalise forced labour
SIPTU has welcomed the decision of the Irish government to criminalise forced labour and to provide greater protection for victims of modern day slavery. SIPTU Services Division Organiser, John King, said that the Government decision on Monday (7th January) to insert a definition of forced labour into Irish law will help to eliminate the discrimination against, and exploitation of, workers in Ireland. It also means that employers who commit this criminal act can now be prosecuted.
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Support the Demonstration
Demonstration against Social dumping and to reject the draft report on the Enforcement Directive on Posting of Workers on Wednesday, 23rd January, 2013.
Click here for more details
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National Commemorative Event

A major conference is being organised for March 2nd in Liberty Hall to mark the 100th Anniversary of the most significant battle for Workers’ Rights in Ireland in the 20th Century, the 1913 Lockout.
Hosted by Sinn Féin Workers Rights spokesperson, Senator David Cullinane, the Conference will be addressed by both National and International Trade Union Leaders, as well as prominent guests, including Writers, Historians, Musicians, and more.
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EU meeting to focus on Youth Guarantee
SIPTU has endorsed the Government’s commitment to pursue the introduction of a ‘Youth Guarantee’ across Europe during the Irish Presidency of the European Union. The Youth Guarantee proposal will be the main focus of an informal meeting of the EU Social Protection Ministers in Dublin on Friday (8th February).
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MANDATE Trade Union
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Guarantee for 'Principle of Consent' need in EU data protection regime
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions on Thursday (17th January) insisted that current European Union deliberations on a proposed new Data Protection Regulation reinforce and guarantee the principle of consent in relation to data collected by employers in the workplace.
Speaking ahead of the January 17-18 meeting of European Ministers for Justice & Home Affairs (EU Justice & Home Affairs Council), as part of Ireland’s EU Presidency, Congress Legal Affairs Officer, Esther Lynch said: “Special measures are needed to protect valid consent in the context of the employment relationship.
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Cuban Film Posters Exhibition
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Cuban Film Posters Exhibition
17-31 January 2013 Cervantes Institute Dublin
The Instituto Cubano de Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC), the Cuban film institute, was established in 1959; it aims to promote the medium of film through a range of diverse activities including film and television production. ICAIC also presents numerous screenings of locally produced and international films throughout Cuba each year. And for each, a unique poster is created by a Cuban graphic artist. ICAIC prints the majority of its originally designed film posters as silk-screens in a 20x30 inch format. These posters are widely distributed across Cuba, and highlight the important role that cinema and the visual arts play in contemporary Cuban life.
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NERI pessimistic on economic outlook
By Dr. Micheál Collins
In the latest edition of the Nevin Economic Research Institute’s Quarterly Economic Observer we have outlined where we expect the economy of the Republic of Ireland to go over this and the next two years. In the institutes first set of economic projections, we detailed our expectations for economic growth, employment, unemployment and government finances. Unfortunately, our projections are pessimistic, highlighting an ongoing economic stagnation as a result of continued contractions to domestic demand, sustained uncertainty at a European level and a related slow recovery of the international economy.
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Global Labour Column (GLC)
Universal social protection floors - a minimum the world is too rich not to have
The problem of capitalism is not its wealth-creating capacity, but its inability to share it. A global economic system that produces incredible wealth, but cannot ensure “zero hunger” on this planet is deeply flawed. Markets lacking the visible helping hand of democratic and accountable governments are producing socially undesirable, and most likely unsustainable, outcomes.
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Super Surprise for Seamie
Seamie Briscoe is usually the man behind the scenes, promoting others and helping to organise whatever is needed, but his last day in his role as the head of FÁS scheme based out of the rugby club - and his birthday - saw the tables turned completely on him.
Family and friends gathered from as far away as Scotland, for a surprise bash at the rugby club on Friday, 21st December.
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Spanish Anti-Fascist War 1936 - 1939
Invite you to their
Saturday 19 January 2013 @ 1:00pm Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre 45/47 Donegall Street, Belfast, BT1 2FG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guest Speaker – Manus O’Riordan The Enigma of Frank Ryan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more details contact Ciaran Crossey: 07759393607 or Ernest Walker: 07751951785 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Win €100 Voucher from Newbridge Silverware!

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Win an iPad 2 with SIPTU Membership Services
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Larkin Credit Union
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SIPTU Basic English Scheme
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Fair Hotel
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