Progressive Alternative to the Universal Social Charge
SIPTU has launched a proposal for “A Progressive Alternative to the Universal Social Charge” (USC). It recommends that a new Social Solidarity Contribution, which would retain all the progressive elements of the existing USC charge as a highly effective and efficient mechanism for raising much-needed revenue from the wealthy and those on top incomes in Irish society, should be introduced.
The revenue generated from this Social Solidarity Contribution, which should at least equal the approximately current €4 billion USC yield, would no longer go into central exchequer funds. Instead, it would be dedicated exclusively to social investment purposes, such as improving healthcare, education and training, childcare and eldercare as well as providing for housing needs.
The Government would also be required, on an annual basis, to produce a report clearly documenting how the revenues are being used and the progress made in respect of each intervention as a result of the revenue committed.
The Social Solidarity Contribution would be accompanied by a new credit along the lines of the existing PAYE tax credit. This credit should be introduced in Budget 2016 at €775 per person for all incomes up to €100,000 per annum.
Setting out the proposals at a press conference in Buswells Hotel on Wednesday (1st July), SIPTU President, Jack O’Connor, said: “Almost two thirds of the resources available for tax relief in Budget 2015 were deployed on a small proportion of earners in the middle to upper income brackets. We believe that all of it should be dedicated to the Social Solidarity Contribution credit of €775 per person – giving everyone on incomes of up to €100,000 the same in cash terms.”
 SIPTU Vice President, Gene Mealy, SIPTU General President, Jack O’Connor and SIPTU Researcher, Ger Gibbons at the launch of 'A Progressive Alternative to the Universal Social Charge' in Buswells Hotel, Dublin, on Wednesday (1st July)
Click here to read “A Progressive Alternative to the Universal Social Charge” (USC)