Make homelessness a local election issue
Dear Editor,
I am writing to you to ask you to participate in Focus Ireland's current campaign - to make housing and homelessness an issue in the local election campaign.
Frist I want to thank you for participating in previous Focus Ireland campaigns, and agreeing to be contacted on new campaign issues. We have had some notable successes - on the Constitutional Convention recommending a Right to Housing, on Aftercare and on a new target to end long-term homelessness.
Now we need your support again as Ireland is facing a worsening housing and homeless problem and Focus Ireland believes it is vital these issues are put firmly on the agenda for the local elections. You can participate in the campaign here .
Focus Ireland is currently seeing a lot more people and families becoming homeless - and remaining trapped in this situation - despite all our efforts to support them to s ecure a home. This is due to the fact that there is a severe shortage of housing options available for them.
Many of the families and people coming to our services have never had any experience of homeless and never imagined that it could happen to them.
With rising instances of home repossession, reduced stock in the private rental market, a lack of social housing options and increasing rent, those in vulnerable housing situations are more at risk than ever.
In the face of this, homeless services have seen cuts in funding every year. We are asking people who care about homelessness to vote for candidates who will put a stop to these cuts, and refuse to vote for local budgets that include further cut backs.
But how will you know which way candidates will vote on this issue? We are asking everyone who cares about homelessness to contact all the candidates to ask them to sign a pledge that they will protect the homeless budget. The Focus Ireland pledge seeks to ensure there are adequate services for people who are homeless until we see a reduction in the numbers of people who are homeless.
Please now take two minutes to play your part to support the most vulnerable in our society.
You can send a pre-written letter to candidates in your area by clicking here or by going to
Thanking you in advance,
Yours sincerely
Mike Allen, Director of Advocacy