SIPTU members in Irish Rail reject LRC proposals
SIPTU members in Irish Rail have voted by 71% to 29% to reject proposals presented by the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) in relation to changes to their terms and conditions of employment, in a ballot which was counted today (Thursday, 27th February) in Liberty Hall, Dublin.
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Congress expresses disappointment at failure of DAA / Aer Lingus talks in pensions dispute
Exploratory talks between the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA), Aer Lingus and Congress unions to try to find a solution to the pension crisis at the company have ended without agreement. Talks between Congress unions and Aer Lingus on the pensions issue broke down on Thursday (27th February) and with the DAA on the previous day. In a statement on the talks with the DAA, Congress “expressed disappointment at the failure of the DAA to engage in meaningful talks or to table any serious and substantive proposals to discuss the long-running pension dispute."
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Sudden closure of G&K training centre on Cork’s north side
SIPTU representatives have demanded an immediate meeting with the Board of Management of G&K (Gurranbraher and Knocknaheeney) Community Training Centre on the north side of Cork city, following its shock decision to close the facility without prior notice.
On their arrival at work on Tuesday, 25th February, staff were called to a meeting at 10.00 a.m. to be informed that the Training Centre was to close with immediate effect. The Board of Management of the Training Centre read a statement to staff informing them of its decision to close the Centre immediately.
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Unions call for early Referendum Commission to inform Same Sex Marriage debate
SIPTU and the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) have jointly called on the Government to establish a Referendum Commission coinciding with publication of the proposed legislation on same sex marriage rather than waiting until the date has been set for the referendum.
 From left to right: David Connolly (NEC member), Suzanne Griffin (National Equality Committee), Bernie Casey (NEC member), Padraig McLoughlin (LGBTQ members network), Richie Keane (LGBTQ members network), Ethel Buckley (Campaigns and Equality Organiser), Joe O’Flynn (General Secretary) and Rachel Mathews McKay (LGBTQ members network)
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LGBT History Week marked in Liberty Hall
The SIPTU LGBTQ members’ network marked LGBT History Month with discussions and a screening of the film ‘Did Anyone Notice Us? Gay Visibility in the Irish Media 1973-1993’ in Liberty Hall on Wednesday, 26th February. A public debate on media representations of the LBGT community followed the screening in the Liberty Hall Theatre at 6.00 p.m.
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FETAC Health Care Assistants' graduation
Members from St Patrick’s Hospital who trained to be health care assistants were awarded their FETAC Level 5 certificates by Minister of State, Alex White on Thursday, 20th February.
From left to right Loraine Coombes, Carl Kelly, Denise Kelly, Paul Conroy, Margaret O’Keeffe, Bernie Stafford, Paula Byrne, Louise O’Reilly SIPTU and Nuala O’Halloran
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‘Shameful’ privatisation of community programme condemned
A decision by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government to subject the Local Community Development Programme (LCDP) to competitive tendering from 2015 was condemned as “shameful” by SIPTU. The LCDP delivers job training, education and help in finding work to those most at risk of social exclusion. It has been successfully delivered by not-for-profit organisations for over 20 years.
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SIPTU members in Tyndall Institute/UCC accept binding arbitration in dispute
SIPTU members at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC) have entered into a binding arbitration process aimed at securing a solution to a dispute of over pay inequality. This followed a vote on Tuesday, (25th February) where the move was supported by an overwhelming majority of 88% to 12%.
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SIPTU addresses Oireachtas Committee hearing into ambulance response times
SIPTU representatives working in the National Ambulance Service and Dublin Fire Brigade ambulance service attended a Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children hearing into ambulance response times on Tuesday, 25th February.
The hearing discussed the resourcing of ambulance services in Ireland and those in other jurisdictions to which it is compared.
 From left to right: Seán Nolan, (SIPTU Sector Organiser), Gerry Harris (Dublin Fire Brigade Convener), Fintan Ferrick (National Ambulance Service), Paul Bell (SIPTU Health Division Organiser), Glen Ellis (Dublin Fire Brigade), Brendan O’Brien (SIPTU Organiser), Peter Ray (Chairman, Irish Ambulance Representative Council).
Click here to read the full submission.
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SIPTU supports London Irish Centre Library initiative
SIPTU made a donation of books and DVDs of the union’s history to the London Irish Centre in Camden Town Library initiative on Wednesday, 26th February. The Joint Committee on Environment, Culture and Gaeltacht is co-ordinating the collection of items for the Library initiative.
 SIPTU General Secretary Joe O’Flynn presenting the books to Aaron McAllorum in Liberty Hall on Wednesday, 26th February.
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Shop stewards' training course
 Shop stewards from Irish Rail, Bus Éireann, School Transport Drivers, Bord Gáis and the Port of Cork who attended a basic shop stewards training course for the Utilities Division held in Connolly Hall, Cork from 5th to 7th February. Also present are Divisional Organiser, Owen Reidy who presented badges and certificates to the students who participated in the training and SIPTU tutor Margaret de Courcey.
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Increase in staff numbers at Tallaght Hospital welcomed
SIPTU has welcomed commitments from the management of Tallaght Hospital, Co. Dublin, to increase staffing levels in order to ensure patient safety at the facility. SIPTU representatives and their INMO colleagues met with management early in February to discuss concerns over staff numbers at the hospital.
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Talks ongoing to resolve Shannon Aerospace dispute
SIPTU members and management in Shannon Aerospace, Co. Clare, met on Tuesday (25th February) at the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) to begin talks concerning a dispute involving the company’s pension scheme.
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Employment Law Course
 Participants from Utilities and Construction Division who attended a three day Employment Law course at SIPTU College last week, in discussion with Divisional Organiser Owen Reidy.
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