Welcome for US change of policy on Cuba
After more than five decades of hostility the US announced on Wednesday, 17th December, that it would normalise relations with Cuba and wind down its economic blockade of the socialist country. The US plans to open an embassy in Havana and to engage in discussions on a range of bilateral issues including the trade embargo which has been in place since 1961.
Announcing the historic change of policy, US President, Barrack Obama, admitted: “It does not serve America's interests or the Cuban people to try to push Cuba towards collapse”.
The change in US approach saw the immediate release of the remaining members of the Cuban Five from US jails.
The three Cuban intelligence operatives, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero and Ramón Labañino, returned to a triumphant welcome in Havana on Wednesday. The men had been jailed alongside their already released comrades, René González and Fernando González, in 1998 for attempting to infiltrate terrorist organisations operating in the US which were planning attacks on Cuba.
The release of the Cuban Five was also welcomed by hundreds of solidarity groups across the globe, which had been campaigning to highlight the men’s plight.
Chair of the SIPTU Cuban Solidarity Forum, Jack McGinley, said: “The release of the remaining members of the Cuban Five is very welcomed. In 2009, a SIPTU delegation met with Cuban trade unionists and relatives of the men. At this meeting we gave a commitment that our union would continue to highlight the unjust imprisonment of the Cuban Five. It is with great satisfaction that we note that the US government has finally heeded these calls and acted to end this injustice”
McGinley said that the wider implications of the ending of US hostility towards Cuba could provide benefits for Ireland.
“The change in relations with the US will result in massive changes for Cuban society. It also provides opportunities for increased bilateral cooperation between Ireland and Cuba in areas such as healthcare provision, biotechnology and agribusiness that could have great benefits for both countries”.
The SIPTU Cuban Solidarity Forum is organising a visit to Cuba in late October 2015. The trip is open to all SIPTU members. For information on securing a place on the SIPTU delegation contact Jack McGinley at jmcginley@siptu.ie or Eira Gallagher at egallagher@siptu.ie