SIPTU completed a ballot of its members in Dublin Bus on Tuesday (20th August), with workers in the clerical, craft, operative, engineering supervisor, inspector and executive grades voting to accept Labour Court proposals to change their terms of employment.
SIPTU Dublin Bus drivers voted in a ballot counted on Friday, (16th August), to reject the Labour Court proposals related to their grade’s terms of employment by 72% to 28%.
The proposals were arrived at after overnight talks between trade union representatives and management on Thursday, 8th August. The talks followed three days of strike action at the transport company on 4th-6th August.
SIPTU Sector Organiser, John Murphy, said: “It is clear from the non-bus driver grade result that some progress was made in the recent Labour Court talks. SIPTU representatives are available to meet with the management of Dublin Bus in the hope of resolving matters still in dispute in the driver grade.
“It is now up to the company to decide whether it wishes to enter a negotiation process which could resolve this dispute without further industrial action and disruption to services.”
SIPTU represents approximately 1,200 drivers and 450 workers in other grades in Dublin Bus.