Workers call on UCC President to intervene in Tyndall National Institute dispute
Workers at the Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork (UCC), have called on the UCC President, Michael Murphy, to intervene in their dispute over pay inequality. SIPTU Organiser, Bill Mulcahy, said: “This industrial action results from a failure of management to resolve a long running dispute relating to the pay inequality between many of these workers and their colleagues doing similar work elsewhere on the UCC campus. The difference in pay is on average around 20%.” Workers in Tyndall have engaged in two work stoppages this month to highlight their situation. Bill Mulcahy added: “In an escalation of the dispute workers intended to place pickets on the main UCC campus. However, the management of the university took a case to the High Court in an attempt to prevent this picketing and was granted an injunction. "If the dispute is not resolved, it is now inevitable that the SIPTU members in Tyndall will seek the support of their 800 colleagues on the main UCC campus through a ballot for industrial action.”