In this issue:
Big Jim Larkin – Hero or Wrecker
SIPTU Exclusive 1916 commemorative publication
Workers Republic
Managing Workplace Conflict:
Ireland - A Directory 2016
Grandpa the Sniper
The Children of the Rising
1916 The Mornings After
SIPTU hillwalkers make donation to Glen of Imaal Red Cross Mountain Rescue
The Abbey Rebels of 1916
A Terrible Beauty – Poetry of 1916
Cluskey – the Conscience of Labour
Tom Gilmartin
The Irish Citizen Army
Lockout – Dublin 1913
A City in Civil War
1916 Rising Candle
Handbook of the Irish Revival
Bitter Freedom, Ireland in a Revolutionary World, 1918-1923
Confronting Shadows
16 Lives: Con Colbert
16 Lives: Willie Pearse
Inside the Room
Power Play
Arthur Griffith
Ireland Says YES
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Handbook of the Irish Revival
A set of writings that reflect the intensity of the cultural debate from 1891 to 1922 featuring essays, articles and letters by world famous figures such as James Joyce, Maud Gonne and J.M. Synge.

The Irish Revival of 1891 to 1922 was an extraordinary era of literary achievement and political debate in Ireland. The artists, thinkers and political activists of the day exchanged ideas and opinions about what Ireland was and could become. Yet much of this discourse remains out of print, some of these voices almost forgotten.

Handbook of the Irish Revival provides for the first time, in an accessible single volume, a set of writings that reflects the intensity of the cultural debate of the time. Essays, articles and letters by world famous figures such as James Joyce, Maud Gonne and J.M. Synge are published alongside less well-known figures, Mary Colum, John Eglinton and Helena Molony among them.

Publisher: Abbey Theatre Press

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