Solidarity with refugees indicates a better Europe is possible
The suffering of those forced to seek refuge in the EU due to the destruction of their home societies is an indictment of the current Western political elite.
This is an elite which has cared little about the impact of ideological and financially inspired military adventures which have devastated imperfect but largely stable, societies, forcing millions to flee the resulting conflicts and instability.
In contrast, the reaction of large swathes of the people of Europe, offering accommodation, sustenance and demanding more assistance for refugees from their Governments, provides hope for the future.
In Ireland, some have claimed that aiding refugees should come second to dealing with our domestic social crises, not least of which is the level of homelessness resulting from a lack of affordable housing and widespread poverty.
However, calculations of social solidarity are not a zero sum game. What is preventing us tackling our domestic social crises is not a lack of resources but rather a failure to understand that our society is better when people are imbued with a sense of solidarity and inspired to collective action.
The reaction to the refugee crisis should act as a catalyst to a wider resurgence of solidarity and collective action. If it does, not only will people forced to flee their homes due to conflict benefit but all of us who wish to build a society that values our shared humanity.