SIPTU has called for the elimination of the Universal Social Charge (USC).
The National Executive Council (NEC) of SIPTU has also placed a motion on the agenda of the Labour Party conference in February calling for the abolition of the charge and its replacement by a progressive tax which could secure the €4 billion which is recovered through the USC.
According to SIPTU President Jack O’Connor, “the USC is at odds with the generally progressive character of the PAYE system in that a person on the minimum wage pays at the same level as those at the top of the income spectrum”.
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Welcome for US change of policy on Cuba
After more than five decades of hostility the US announced on Wednesday, 17th December, that it would normalise relations with Cuba and wind down its economic blockade of the socialist country. The US plans to open an embassy in Havana and to engage in discussions on a range of bilateral issues including the trade embargo which has been in place since 1961.
Announcing the historic change of policy, US President, Barrack Obama, admitted: “It does not serve America's interests or the Cuban people to try to push Cuba towards collapse”.
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SIPTU members reject pension proposals at DAA and SAA by huge majority
SIPTU members in the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) voted on Monday (15th December) by an overwhelming majority against management proposals to resolve the pensions dispute in the company. The dispute arose due to the large deficit in the Irish Airlines Superannuation Scheme (IASS). SIPTU members in the Shannon Airport Authority (SAA) have also rejected the proposals.
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SIPTU academic staff at NUI Galway to vote on equality audit
SIPTU members on the academic staff of NUI Galway will vote on 8th January on a proposal to call for an external body to carry out a comprehensive equality audit throughout the university to reassure workers that gender equality is practised within the institution.
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Tens of thousands protest against water charges

Over 60,000 people crowded into Merrion Square in Dublin at lunchtime on Wednesday, 10th December, to protest against water charges and the wider austerity agenda.
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Statement by the National Executive Council of SIPTU on the Right2Water Protest – Friday, 5th December
The SIPTU NEC statement of 21st November 2014 concluded: “Therefore, in the absence of a declaration by the Government of its intention to provide every household with an adequate supply of water to meet all its domestic needs, at no direct cost, while retaining a tariff on non-essential use only and to legislate for a Referendum to prohibit privatisation, we will work with other trade unions and civil society organisations, including those involved in Right2Water, to campaign through peaceful protests and other democratic actions, to achieve these objectives”.
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SIPTU calls on Government to respect Labour Court recommendation on community sector talks
SIPTU has called on the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government to respect a Labour Court recommendation, published on Thursday (4th December), which states that policy makers should enter into talks with unions on the future of jobs in the community sector.
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Unions seek urgent meeting with Bord Na Móna management over AES sale
The Bord Na Móna Group of Unions has requested an urgent meeting with management to discuss a reported plan to sell its subsidiary waste collection company, AES.
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8,000 strong petition handed to Dunnes Stores calling for a boycott of illegal Israeli settlement goods

On Wednesday (17th December) members and supporters of the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) handed in a petition signed by over 8,000 people calling on Irish supermarket chain Dunnes Stores to make a public commitment that their outlets will not stock goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.
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SIPTU concern at HEA findings on gender divide in academic appointments
SIPTU members have expressed disappointment and concern at the findings of the Higher Education Authority (HEA) review of the gender divide in senior academic posts across publicly funded higher education institutions. The HEA review has confirmed that while the overall academic staff gender divide in higher education is 50/50, males significantly outnumber females in senior posts.
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SIPTU describes the HIQA Ambulance Service report as challenging but achievable
SIPTU members in the National Ambulance Service (NAS) and Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) are studying the recommendations contained in the HIQA “Review of pre-hospital emergency care services” which they have described as “challenging but achievable”. The review was published on Tuesday, (2nd December).
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Irish Equity warns members of unscrupulous activities of film companies
Irish Equity has called on members to display caution before committing to projects due to the unscrupulous activities of some production companies which include false claims about the other actors involved and the underpayment or non-payment of fees.
The call follows reports to Irish Equity over the weekend relating to the activities of a production company.
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Congress launches Disability Activation Project
Returning to work following a period of illness or while dealing with the effects of physical or mental trauma can be one of the most difficult periods of a worker’s career. To assist workers finding themselves in this position, Congress is now offering training and support as part of a pilot scheme in the Border, Midlands and Western region. The scheme is open to workers with a disability or long-term illness seeking new employment as well as those wishing to return to their previous work. Programme Manager and Congress official, Sylvia Ryan, told Liberty:“The Disability Activation Project is targeted at people with a disability, aged 16 to 65 years, and receiving disability/illness welfare payments.
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