Jim Connell Society
On the 11th March last, everyone in the trade union movement was shocked on hearing the sad news of the passing away of our colleague Bob Crow, who was an inspiration to everyone who ever met him, and particularly to those who knew Bob. As your readers are aware, Bob was an annual visitor to the Jim Connell trade union festival held every May Bank holiday in Kells and Crosakiel, and one of the highlights when he visited was leading his beloved R.M.T. band in the parade around the village and later addressing the crowd with his gusto that only Bob could do. Our society are pleased to report that after meeting his family and the RMT they have given us permission to commemorate Bob’s life at this year’s festival by unveiling a suitable tribute to him. Bob’s family has agreed to be in attendance. This year’s festival takes place from the 1st May to the 4th May and everyone is invited. The final programme will be ready by mid April, and all interested will be notified. Yours faithfully, Tommy Grimes P.R.O. Jim Connell Society