SIPTU welcomes the strong growth of the Irish film industry during 2013
The SIPTU Arts and Culture Sector has welcomed figures from the Irish Film Board which indicate strong growth of the film, television and animation industry during 2013.SIPTU Sector Organiser, Karan O’Loughlin, said: “According to estimates by the Irish Film Board the industry is on track to have generated €168 million of activity during 2013. This is very positive news and would amount to an 18% increase on 2012.
“The extension of tax reliefs for the industry in this year’s budget will continue to support such growth by attracting overseas investment and we hope to see also increased development of the indigenous film sector. It can now be clearly seen how continued financial support for the Arts pays for itself and also generates revenue for the State.”
SIPTU is working in conjunction with the Irish Film Board on the training and development of all grades of workers employed in the film industry.
Karan O’Loughlin added: “The level of professionalism of actors and crew in this country is well established. With the continued strength of the industry it is a good time to reflect on the fair treatment of those working in the sector especially around remuneration for actors and security of employment for crew and technicians. Their contribution to the growth of the industry in terms of skill and reliability is significant and should be recognised as such.”