Successful conference on future of Palestine
Political and trade union activists from across the island attended a one-day conference on the future of Palestine in Liberty Hall on Saturday, 28th March. Among those who addressed the conference, entitled ‘Where Now for the Two State Solution – Solidarity and Sanctions’ - was Ambassador of Palestine to Ireland, Ahmad Abdelrazek, SIPTU General President Jack O’Connor and the Middle East Children’s Alliance Projects Director, Dr. Mona El Farra, who had to address the event via telephone due to the Israeli authorities refusal to grant her a visa. Dr. El Farra said: “I wanted to come to Dublin to tell the Irish people of the suffering that is going on in Gaza since the Israeli military assault last summer. There has been no reconstruction of any kind and tens of thousands of people are living in temporary accommodation. The scale of suffering and trauma for women and children is immense”. Jack O’Connor called for greater co-ordination between supporters of Palestine in Ireland to push for recognition of a viable Palestinian state.