You are invited to attend a press conference organised by Claiming Our Future: “There are alternative choices for Budget 2013: Plan B: maintain spending, invest in jobs, tax higher incomes & wealth” on November 15th at 10.30am in the Central Hotel.
We are also asking you to forward around to your organisation/group the email below encouraging them to sign the plan B petition which we will be handing in to the Minister for Finance before the Budget,
November 15th, 2012 10.30am
Central Hotel, Exchequer St, Dublin 2
Fergus Finlay, CEO Barnardos, Siobhan O Donoghue, Claiming Our Future Plan B, Marie Sherlock, Economist with SIPTU, Michael Taft, Economist with Unite
The press conference will outline a Plan B for Budget 2013: how billions in revenue could be raised from making the taxation system more effective and fair, including taxing wealth. The point will be made that Budget 2013 should maintain spending on public services, the vulnerable and their communities. This will support domestic demand, central to getting us out of the recession, by protecting low and middle income earners and communities.
Act Now to Tell the Government How You Feel About The Budget Plans - Sign the petition for Plan B
Plan B includes investment in jobs, taxing wealth, and maintaining spending on essential services. Tell the Government you want Plan B for Budget 2013 -
sign the petition at http://claimingourfuture.revolutionaries.ie/takeaction/ and show that you want the government to choose taxing wealth and higher incomes instead of cuts for low & middle income families. We will be handing the petition into the Minister for Finance before the budget.
For more information contact planB@claimingourfuture.ie or check out www.claimingourfuture.ie