Achill Island International Brigade Commemorations
The commemoration event will take place outdoors in the Slievemore Graveyard. Access is across uneven ground - please dress appropriately for an outdoor event in mid-November.
Refreshments will be available afterwards in Gielty’s bar, where there will also be an exhibiton with items from Pat’s life and information on the Irish volunteers in the Spanish Civil War. RSVP:
Directions: To find Slievemore Graveyard, from the R319 in Keel village, take the Slievemore Road (signed to Achill I.T. Centre). Drive past the I.T centre until the road forks left at the sign for Sean Reilig/The Deserted Village. Follow this road for about 300m and the graveyard is on the left.
In addition there will also be an earlier commemoration event for:
Tommy Patten, killed in action, Madrid, 1936 11.30 on Sunday 16th November 2014, at the Tommy Patten Memorial, Dooega, Achill
organised by Friends of the International Brigades, Ireland, with speaker Manus O’Riordan, Ireland Secretary, International Brigades Memorial Trust.
For more information on accommodation on Achill please click here For more information and directions to Gielty’s bar, please visit click here