
The 1913 Lockout Tapestry is on display in the General Post Office, Dublin and continues until Tuesday, 22nd April. 1913 Committee Coordinator, Padraig Yeates, said: “This is a great opportunity for Dubliners and visitors to the city, to see this unique tribute to the men and women who struggled for a better society over 100 years ago in one of the most important historical buildings in Dublin.”
NEC resolves to continue industrial campaign on airport workers' pension
The National Executive Council (NEC) of SIPTU at its March meeting on Friday, (21st March) voted unanimously to reiterate total and complete support for the union’s members and other workers in their dispute with Aer Lingus and the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) over savage cuts in their pension entitlements.
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Battle to save water services from privatisation only beginning
The “battle to save water services from privatisation is only beginning”, ICTU Industrial Officer, Liam Berney, told SIPTU activists in the local authorities on Thursday, (20th March). In his presentation to a SIPTU Local Authority Sector seminar entitled “The Price of Private Water”, Berney outlined the process of social dialogue between the Government and unions which led to the establishment of the publicly owned utility Irish Water.
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SIPTU members in DFB call for fully independent review of ambulance services
A fully independent review of the Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB) ambulance service has been called for by SIPTU. The call follows SIPTU members in DFB expressing extreme concern at the contents of a document drawn up by the Health Service Executive (HSE) in March 2013 which proposes to remove the delivery of Dublin's ambulance service from Dublin Fire Brigade, by 2015.
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Foundation Of Irish Citizen Army commemorated in Liberty Hall
 The ICA gives battle – ANÚ Players
The centenary of the foundation of the Irish Citizen Army was marked in Liberty Hall on Saturday, (22nd March) with a musical and cultural event. The commemoration included a reading by Sabina Higgins of an excerpt from the Story of the Irish Citizen Army by Seán O’Casey.
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Social media campaign against racism in the workplace
SIPTU and the Communications Workers’ Union (CWU) launched an online social media campaign to highlight racial discrimination in the workplace to mark UN Anti-Racism Day 2014 on Friday, (21st March). According to a 2012 report by the ESRI, people of black ethnicity are almost four times more likely to report experiences of discrimination in the work place than white Irish people.
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Donkey Sanctuary refuses to engage with union in relation to job losses
Management of The Donkey Sanctuary has refused to engage with SIPTU concerning attempts to make 16 welfare staff at the charity redundant in June. The UK charity, whose Irish operation is headquartered in Liscarroll, Mallow, Co. Cork, has failed to respond to a letter from the Labour Relations Commission requesting it engage in a conciliation process concerning the threatened job losses.
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Diversity Rally
SIPTU activists and organisers attending the Stand Up to Racism – Celebrate Diversity Rally in Dublin on Saturday, (22nd March).
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Presentation to Fred Murray
A presentation was made by Paul Bell, SIPTU Health Division Organiser and Sean Nolan, SIPTU Sector Organiser to Shop Steward, Fred Murray. Fred retired after 44 years’ service in the Health Services.
 Left to right: Paul Bell, SIPTU Divisional Organiser, Fred Murray and Sean Nolan, SIPTU Sector Organiser
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Bob Crow |
Thousands mourn RMT General Secretary Bob Crow
Thousands of trade unionists, political activists and members of the public lined the streets of East London along the funeral procession route of RMT General Secretary Bob Crow on Monday, (24th March). As the black horse drawn carriage bearing the coffin of the trade union leader passed by the crowds applauded and cheered.
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Tony Benn |
Congress pays tribute to Tony Benn, 'A Giant of his Generation'
Congress General Secretary David Begg has paid warm tribute to the late Tony Benn, who died on Friday (14th March). Begg said: “Tony Benn was the outstanding political figure of his age and, indeed, one of the brightest stars of the wider labour movement. He was a giant of his generation.
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SIPTU Cavan/Monaghan District Committee meets local Labour Candidates

Members of the SIPTU Cavan/Monaghan District Committee met with Labour party Candidates Mary Croke, Ciaran Connolly and Peadar Markey who are seeking election in the fourth coming local elections in Cavan/Monaghan.
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Decent pay for decent work now key demand for workers
That many workers in Ireland must endure wages that do not allow them and their families to afford a decent standard of living is unacceptable.
In the latest Quarterly Economic Observer, from the Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI), the stark reality for many workers in Northern Ireland is revealed. It finds that more than a quarter - or just under 169,000, earn below the Living Wage – a minimum level of earnings which would allow them and their families to meet basic needs.
This inability of even full time workers to earn enough to adequately support themselves and their families is partially the legacy of the attack on wages we have witnessed since the onset of the economic crisis. The trade union movement is committed to rectifying this situation and ensuring that a days work once more provides a decent wage.
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One in four workers in Northern Ireland do not earn a Living Wage

The Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) published its latest Quarterly Economic Observer on Tuesday, (25th March). In it, the economic think-tank examines the extent of low pay across Northern Ireland finding that 25% of workers earn less than the ‘Living Wage’.
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Community Media Archiving Seminar & Workshops
Near Media Co-Op in partnership with CAPTCHA EU Culture Initiative and with the support of the Dublin Community Forum present a day dedicated to understanding best practices in archiving and how this can be applied to Community Media throughout Europe.
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Robert Tressell, Dubliner
Robert Tressell was the pseudonym of Robert Noonan, house-painter and sign-writer, who was born in Dublin in 1870 and died in Liverpool in 1911. He was buried in a pauper’s grave.
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists was his only book and it was written while he lived in Hastings - “Mugsborough” in the novel. First published in abbreviated form in April 1914, the novel has challenged, entertained and inspired countless readers. Robert Noonan was a passionate socialist and his scathing denunciation of apathy and hypocrisy, of injustice and inequality, is still relevant today.
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Barriers or Bridges? Drug Rehabilitation Projects – the Road to Recovery
The Citywide Drugs Rehabilitation Projects Consultation Report was launched by Peter McVerry on Tuesday, 11th March, 2014. The report relates to the changes in Social Welfare that have created additional barriers for people who want to access CE Drug Rehab Programmes. It also outlines how DRPs are responding to these additional barriers and makes a number of recommendations.
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Donegal in Transition – the Impact of the Congested Districts Board
Seán Beattie, (Merrion), 2013.

Karl Marx had his finger on the pulse of international trade and was well acquainted with conditions in Ireland. In one of his essays, he criticised working conditions in a shirt factory in Derry City – now demolished - and condemned the “sweat shops” which the industry spawned in neighbouring counties such as Donegal and Tyrone. His daughter Eleanor is known to have visited the city.
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10% discount for SIPTU members from Taxback.com
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Family annual travel insurance reduced to €55.54
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