Cork Young Workers’ Network calls for decent jobs and decent pay
The Cork Young Workers’ Network has called on young people to orgainse in order to campaign for decent jobs and decent pay, following the success of the group’s first meeting on Tuesday (15th April) evening. A diverse group of young workers, apprentices, interns, unemployed and students met in Connolly Hall, Lapps Quay, Cork, to discuss the establishment of a new campaign focusing on young people’s demands in the Cork area. A number of key issues for young people in Cork emerged at the meeting. These included the impact of youth unemployment, low pay and the decision of the Government to create intern schemes rather than invest in creating decent jobs. A decision was made at the meeting to immediately launch a campaign demanding decent work and decent pay. Among those who attended the meeting was Fiona Ryan, 25, from Cork, she said: “Young people are being told now that they are not entitled to a good wage and that the only thing they have in front of them is emigration or the option of working for free. It’s not good enough.”