Showcasing your Social Enterprise
Involved in a community enterprise, coop, CE scheme or other form of social enterprise in what’s called the “social economy”? If so this will interest you.
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) is involved in an initiative with other trade union federations across the EU aimed at strengthening the social economy. Congress believes that social enterprises, and the social economy generally, have significant untapped potential to create jobs, deliver quality vocational training, and enhance local and community cohesion. As part of this process we wish to showcase good practice examples of the social economy/social enterprises in Ireland, and invite you to submit a brief profile to us by 31st May, 2014.
By “social enterprise” we mean any company, cooperative or association organised for commercial activity on a for-profit or non-profit basis to achieve social outcomes. In particular, Congress aims through the initiative to:
- Undertake policy interventions at national level, and join with our colleagues in the ETUC at European level, to strengthen the support framework (legal and programmatic) for social enterprises and the social economy;
- Actively argue the case with Government for greater State support for social enterprise start ups and the development of the sector;
- Through its member unions at local level increase trade union involvement in assisting social enterprises develop, as a source of job creation, vocational training and community development.
As part of this initiative, Congress is collating information on the sector in Ireland, with a view to showcasing to Government and the EU authorities examples of exceptional good practice in Ireland – i.e. social enterprises that, despite the weakness of national supports, are delivering effective local responses to unemployment, skill development and community cohesion. If you would like your social enterprise to feature in this showcasing project, please click the link to complete a short online questionnaire about your enterprise (max. 5 minutes).