NERI Newsletter on Budget 2015 and upcoming events
As we enter the final months of 2014, we thought we'd take the opportunity to recap on some of the NERI's recent work and highlight a few upcoming events.Throughout the year, the Institute has produced research on taxation, housing and education, while progressing its work on the labour market and economic policy. The Quarterly Economic Observer, Autumn 2014 was launched on Wednesday, 24th September and looks at budgetary options that will stimulate growth, investment and job creation. The Quarterly Economics Facts provides a wide range of key indicators on various aspects of the economy. The publication was restructured over the summer and the new version was released in late September.
The monthly seminar series re-commenced in September with Dr Micheál Collins giving a presentation entitled, Budget Changes in VAT Excise and Levies: Who Pays?. The seminar was based on a recent paper that estimates the distributive impact of possible Budget changes to key areas of indirect tax. The Institute was also heavily involved in the establishment of an evidence based Living Wage for workers in Ireland
Dates for your diary · On October 22 the Institute will host a seminar on Budget 2015 in the INTO Learning Centre. Michelle Murphy, Cormac Staunton and Michael Taft will each make a brief presentation on aspects of the Budget, followed by discussion from the floor. Further details are available on the NERI website. Dr Tom McDonnell will present his work on the advantages and disadvantages of different water charging models on November 12. An abstract of the paper is available here.
· On 18 November Dr Esmond Birnie (PwC) and Stephen Boyd (STUC) will give a seminar on devolution in the United Kingdom post Scottish referendum on independence. The seminar will be held in Clifton House, Belfast. Contact to register. Finally, the Quarterly Economic Observer, Winter 2014 will be launched on Tuesday, December 9 in the MAC . The publication will examine the latest economic trends with a focus on industrial policy in Northern Ireland.
Recent publications · Modelling the Distributive Impact of Indirect Taxes by Micheál Collins · Youth unemployment and cuts to Jobseeker's Allowance by Daragh McCarthy · Total Tax Contributions of Households in Ireland by Micheál Collins · Pension Policy in Ireland: an Evaluation by Eamon Murphy · Hours and Earnings in the Northern Ireland Labour Market by Paul MacFlynn · We need to talk about Higher Education by Austin Delaney and Tom Healy · For a full list of working papers, inBriefs and other publications see here.