SIPTU Dublin bus drivers to vote on latest proposals next week
SIPTU Dublin Bus drivers will vote next week on a set of proposals aimed at concluding the long running dispute at the company.
The latest set of proposals on the implementation of a cost saving plan at the company were drawn up by former SIPTU National Organiser, Noel Dowling, and management consultant, Ultan Courtney.
The dispute over cost-saving plans led to a three-day strike at the company in August following an attempt by management to implement changes to work practices without agreement.
An amended set of proposals was accepted by all other grades of Dublin Bus workers in a ballot held in September. However, bus drivers voted against them. Following this vote ICTU and IBEC appointed Dowling and Courtney to investigate how a Labour Court recommendation on cost cutting measures at the company could be progressed.
SIPTU Organiser, John Murphy, said: “The Dowling and Courtney report would seem to reflect the genuine financial situation of the company.”
He added: “The proposals are currently being considered by Dublin bus drivers. The SIPTU negotiating team will meet on Friday (18th October) and following this the team will be meeting with Dowling and Courtney on Monday for a final discussion of the proposals. A ballot of SIPTU Dublin bus drivers is scheduled to commence on Thursday (24th October).”