Join Protest Against Bank Debt and Austerity
This €64 billion burden was the cost of ‘saving’ the Irish banks, whose collapse brought down the whole economy. This debt is unfair, unjust and unpayable. It will keep Ireland trapped on a self-defeating austerity treadmill that has already destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs and forced tens of thousands of our young people abroad in search of work.
Yet, on 14th January the Government repaid bank ‘bonds’ worth at least €1.35bn. And over the next three years it will pay out some €4bn in interest, on part of the bank debt. Some economists estimate the final cost of Anglo-Irish Bank alone could be DOUBLE the original €30bn estimate!
Imagine how many jobs those huge sums could create, or the services they could deliver in our communities?
The €64 billion burden is imposing huge costs and threatens to cripple Irish society for generations to come. No matter what sacrifices we make, no matter how ‘competitive’ we become, there is no hope of recovery while this unjust burden remains.
We must act now and send a clear message to the people of Europe that this debt is unsustainable.
Across the country, thousands have protested against the symptoms of this unjust debt burden – attacks on wages and cuts in services. Saturday, 9th February is your chance to rally against austerity and the bank debt.