Boyers workers need respect
Mandate and SIPTU trade unions on Wednesday, 9th September, agreed to negotiations with the owner of Boyers department store on North Earl Street, Dublin, on the orderly wind down of the company.
Mandate Official, Jonathan Hogan, said: “We intend to commence these negotiations as soon as possible with the aim of securing terms agreeable for both directly employed staff and those union members working for concession holders prior to the agreed closure date of the business on 31st January, 2016.”
SIPTU Services Division Organiser, Ethel Buckley, said: “The acceptance by the owner of the business, Noel Smyth, that the Boyers direct employees, workers for concession holders and contractors must be treated with respect is in stark contrast to the treatment of the Clerys workers. The coming weeks of negotiations will be difficult but we intend to ensure that an adequate agreement which suitably rewards the years of service of the Boyers workforce is agreed.
Approximately 100 workers, both directly employed and those working for concession holders are affected by the closure of Boyers.