SIPTU in LRC talks on credit union merger
SIPTU representatives will attend a meeting of the Labour Relations Commission (LRC) on Thursday, 12th March, to discuss redundancies that may result from the merger of Drogheda, East Meath and Trim credit unions. The union has stated that it will only accept the implementation of voluntary redundancies. Earlier this month, prior to a preliminary LRC meeting to discuss the merger, SIPTU Services Division Organiser, John King, said: “A recent media report implicated ‘staff issues’ as delaying the merger of these three credit unions. The reality is that management has shown a reluctance to meaningfully engage with staff on what a merger will entail.” He added: “In no way can 'staff issues' be responsible for blocking or slowing the merger process progressing. SIPTU members are generally supportive of mergers such as the one proposed as the combined assets of the new body would allow for better service provision for communities and greater job security for workers.”