Unions to conduct full examination of Bus Éireann financial accounts
SIPTU representatives will attend a reconvened Labour Court hearing on Friday (1st February), into the dispute at Bus Éireann following a full examination of the company’s financial accounts.
An interim ruling of the Labour Court ordered the opening of the company’s accounts to a union appointed financial assessor following a hearing on the dispute on Wednesday (16th January).
The company has agreed to defer introducing cuts in employees' terms and conditions until the Labour Court process is concluded. SIPTU members in Bus Éireann voted on Wednesday, 9th January, to commence strike action following management attempts to unilaterally impose reductions in workers terms and conditions.
SIPTU Organiser, Willie Noone, said: “Our members have always been willing to change working conditions and practices within reason but are not prepared to have changes unilaterally imposed on them. Bus Éireann workers are not prepared to continue to provide a public transport system while management is eroding every aspect of their conditions of employment, including their wages,”
The interim ruling by the Labour Court states: “The company should produce comprehensive financial data upon which its proposals are predicated, including the projected savings which could be realised from each of the proposals contained in its submission to the Court…Having received the report of their nominated assessor the unions should formulate such alternative proposals as they think fit in lieu of all or any of the Company’s proposals.”
The Court will reconvene on Friday, 1st February, at 10.00 a.m. and has stated that it will then proceed to make its recommendation on the substance of the dispute once it has been provided with all the relevant financial data by the company and unions.