SIPTU members in Marks and Spencer accept Labour Court recommendation
During December, SIPTU members in Marks and Spencer voted by 96% to 4% to accept a Labour Court recommendation in relation to a dispute at the company which resulted from a management decsion to unilaterally close the workers’ defined benefit pension scheme.The company had also proposed to abolish the workers’ Christmas bonus, reduce premium pay and reduce the numbers of section managers.
SIPTU Organiser, Neil McGowan, said: “The Labour Court recommendation allows for the potential for this dispute to be resolved in a satisfactory manner for our members. SIPTU and our colleagues in Mandate Trade Union have consistently requested adequate financial information to underpin the company’s claims. This has not been forthcoming to date but the Labour Court recommendation gives us the means to achieve this and deal with the matters in dispute in an orderly fashion.”
Approximately 140 SIPTU members are employed in seven Marks and Spencer stores across the Dublin area.