SIPTU has welcomed a Government commitment to regulate the provision of Home Help services but has warned that, without increased funding, regulation cannot guarantee quality care for elderly people.
SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: "We welcome the commitment from Minister of State for Older People, Kathleen Lynch, that she intends to oversee the regulation of Home Help services. However, regulation of Home Help services cannot be done in isolation. Home Helps are facing enormous challenges to delivering quality care due to cut backs, with some being asked to deliver very vital personal services to clients in less than 15 minutes."
He added: "In the absence of adequate resources to deliver quality care, regulation will be tokenistic".
Since 2008, the Health Service Executive has reduced Home Help hours by more than two million. The SIPTU 'Time to Care' campaign has organised thousands of Home Help workers who are demanding a restoration of hours cut from Home Support Services and proper contracts of employment for those working in the sector.